Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Oddly, last week, more than one person in my cohort at school asked me about my Nalgene bottle, and the contents of it. Crystal Light - they weren't sure if it was greenish liquid in a green bottle, or just water in a green bottle.

But I made the move yesterday to switch to a water-only drinking regimen. I've always thought that I could get away with substituting water with water-based drinks, to get my proper daily water intake. I mean, they say, "don't replace water with fruity juices and pops", but I figured sweetening my water with a tiny, teaspoon-sized flavoring wouldn't matter. But I was wrong. I have a sweet addition, and constantly drinking nothing but sweetened drinks, even low-calorie ones, isn't doing me any good. On Monday I banned myself from sweet drinks, and the result has been more noticeable than I expected.

Even though Crystal Light is barely anything, pure water is doing a hell of a lot better job regulating my hunger and appetite. Eating sweet things, even artificially-sweetened low-calorie things, makes you more hungry. Drinking 700ml of water actually makes me full - and postpones my hunger for several hours. Going to continue this.

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