Thursday, April 7, 2011


I start teaching highschool tomorrow. The unit: C++ programming, with grade 9's and 10's. Oh boy.

The biggest thing I'm struggling with right now, relating to my practicum, is how to act. I find myself feeling very strongly that I need to behave in a way that classifies me as a 'teacher', rather than how I would normally behave. From what many sources have told me, it's better for a new teacher to act more stern than they think they need to at the beginning, in order to gain respect from students, and set a precedent for classroom behavior and conduct.

But I think it's messing me up. I'm retreating into my shell in an effort to act in a way that isn't normal for me. I suck at acting, and needing to act like a teacher and being able stand up to defiant grade 9/10/11/12's has made me think I need to abandon my normally fairly gentle/unthreatening/smiley/almost-subverviant behaviors of habit, and it's throwing me off.

I need to get acclimatized to this environment, and dealing with students in a way that says 'teacher' and not 'fun summer camp leader'.

Tomorrow will be a practice-quiz, Monday the exam ensues...

1 comment:

  1. I find that the best way to start is just super professional... the 'stern' is implied in that. I do the conduct rules quickly, introduce myself, and get straight into the material. Then things get progressively more lax as the students get to know me and I lose motivation to be someone I'm not :P

    Mr. Boorman... you have the easiest-to-make-fun-of teacher name in all history! You'll be Mr. Boringman in 30 seconds flat no matter how interesting the lessons are.

    - Jared
