Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Because two days off was far too long for this guy, I decided to start practicum early. And I still have an overdue assignment not handed in.

So the practicum officially begins Monday, but noone in their right mind would go in the morning-of without significant planning, or even without going in first. 3 days observation seems about right. I'm teaching two classes: programming 11 (which I'm starting an XHTML/CSS unit with), and IT 9/10 (which I'm teaching C++ programming). Even though I had been two the school before, and sat though two weeks of half-days with the teacher back in October, I was surprisingly nervous. My self-esteem has gone down in the past 6 months or so inexplicably, and more often I'm feeling the jitters - not exactly good timing for my teaching practicum.

It will improve, though. One thing about confidence is that it tends to go up when you realize you have value. Although ideally you'd recognize yourself as someone who inherently has value just for being, having situational value (as in the role of a teacher), and performing said role well, boosts one's situational confidence, and overall confidence temporarily.
... How does one make that permanent?

In other news, today was the first day of 2011 I drove with the window down. It's something I take notice of every year, and makes me feel good. Hopefully more blue skies are on the way.

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