Thursday, March 17, 2011


"Despite sleeping 18 minutes into my morning midterm, not shaving/showering, not eating 'til after 4pm, and having rum and a green tequila shot before getting up for a class presentation, today was a pretty good day." -me.
The day didn't start well. I was up until about 3am studying for my psychology midterm last night - the plan was to wake up decently before 8am to get in some last-minute cramming before the 10AM test. I woke up at 10:18.

Total disbelief. Damn you, alarm. Throw clothes on, contacts, grab laptop, books, water bottle, bag, shoes, key, run out the door. Fuck it, parking on campus without paying.

Arrive at building: 10:39am. Pretty damn good time. Walk sheepishly past cohortees in the hall (who'd just finished the test), and sheepishly, again, through the classroom door and up to my prof, who found me a spot in the curric lab to write my test late. Got it all just done by the end of class.

The afternoon was just as good. It was group-presentation time, and St.Patty's Day. Time for group (green) tequila shots and other drinks before our presentation. Nevermind I hadn't eaten anything yet. Presentation went OK. we ran short of the expected time, but rocked with the public-speaking-in-front-of-peers part. Thanks, alcohol.

End-of-day back to my car: successfully avoided parking ticket. Really suspecting campus security only very rarely does rounds. Like, maybe once daily. I've never seen anyone patrolling, though a couple of people I know have gotten tickets.

So that was my day, besides napping and forthcoming philosophy-reading after this post. What was probably the best aspect of this day was though, was that, because I was so frazzled from the moment I woke up and onward, that my mind didn't have time to get crowded up with all the usual nonsense. I was goal-oriented, and much more present in the moment. People tend to react better to people who are less in-their-head, and I felt that today towards myself. I didn't much care to spend as much time trying to analyze the reactions/expressions of others, and instead just said what was on my mind. Oh, the beauty of indifference.

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