Saturday, March 19, 2011

Crazy Slowly Are We Going

Two more weeks of school. It's come down to that point in the semester: still somewhat sick, mentally checked-out, and a buttload of assignments imminently due.

Sometimes working in groups is a pain in the ass, and sometimes it's a nice change. Usually, for me, it's a pain in the ass. If I'm in a group or partnership where something creative is to be endeavored, I become controlling, and stubborn. I'm a perfectionist - and, let's face it, probably more creatively inclined/talented than others are likely to be, at least in a wide scope. Most of the time when I've been in a group, I've ended up doing far more than my fair share of work - often because of dissatisfaction of others' work or ideas, or because they aren't able to achieve the desired result, at least up to my standards. On the other hand, sometimes working in a group just makes things easier. I've barely experienced this in my University career, but this semester I've learned that in some cases working in a group is not only socially and emotionally rewarding, but it also has the benefit of cutting the work down a whole lot. Writing group essays, which, albeit, is pretty rare, except in education I suppose, is a nice change from writing them alone. Two, or in my current case, three heads, is better than one, and it turns a 6-page essay, single-spaced, into a 2-page essay. Nice.

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