Saturday, February 19, 2011

Reading week, a'hoy!

Not much to say today other than I'm glad for the start of reading week.

Tentative plans for the week, in no particular order:

-Trip to China Beach
-Family IMAX movie night: Harry Potter 7: Part 1
-Filling of my first ever cavity, and possible root canal.
-Work: 3 times
-Sleep: much
-Walk up Mountain: at least once.
-Buy glowsticks. Do light-painting photography.
-Finish 3D Labyrinth Worm in Blender. Rig.
-Do my 2009 taxes


  1. I stopped by the dentist to make an appointment on my way home from Jared's on Wednesday. Previously, the lady at the info desk in the SUB had told me that I would have dental coverage this semester as long as I had paid my fees at the beginning of the year. The dental office receptionist had a different story: I have to be currently registered as a full time student to qualify for coverage, otherwise it would cost me $200. What's up with that? Why pay the fees at all then? I gotta get to the bottom of this.

    How was Deathly Hallows in 3D?
    How do you feel about an encore of Mt.Doug this weekend?

  2. Hrmm.. contact someone from the insurance plan directly - from the green/white brochure in the SUB.

    Saw Deathly Hallows in IMAX, the first part was never released in 3D - 'Part 2' will be, though :D. Good the second time - not as touching, but I had better opportunity to look at all the details (which was also helped by the bigger screen). IMAX Sound is better too.
