Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Beaver.

Today in assessment class, I just about lost it. My professor, an elderly man in his mid-70's, was showing his how to structure unit plans to incorporate and plan out the completion of measurable outcomes that correlate with bloom's taxonomy. Interesting, and very applicable stuff, actually. So he was preparing to go through a demo of this - and the topic he picked just happened to be the beaver.

A few people in the class smirked and giggled (it was late in the afternoon), and then, so did I.. and I was finding it hard to fight it. ... I pretty much lost it when he said, quite matter-of-factly:

"The beaver is actually quite disruptive.. it tends to wreak a lot of havoc actually.. and it's really quite useless, I mean, most people would agree that it doesn't taste very good. .. "

-- it was at this point that I lost it. Breathe, Colin, breathe. The best part was that, by all accounts, my prof had no idea why people were finding the lesson humorous. He was oblivious.

I have to admit that something I've realized about myself is that I'm probably not the most emotionally mature. I find it hard to not smile when something tickles my fancy - even when it's not appropriate to smile or laugh - but this is also likely in part because I tend to be a rather light-hearted and generally 'up' person, too, naturally - when I'm not in a downer environment. I was like this as a toddler.

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