Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Next Day... Chipotlaway

So I had a conversation a week or so ago, give or take a week, with I don't remember who, and the less-than-half-believed conclusion that we came up with was that it's not really the next day until you get a legitimate sleep, and it's light out the next morning.

So you see, though it's 4AM on the 5th, technically I'm not late for my post on the 4th.

And I'm sticking with it.

In other news, as of this morning, I'm swearing off sugar-free, chocolate-covered peanuts for good. I'm reminded of the episode of South Park when Cartman reveals that he, and millions of others, continue to eat chipotle even though it causes anal bleeding, and resulting stains in underwear. (which you could fix with Chipotlaway cleaning spray) They put up with this side effect of the food because, well, chipotle is just so good.

Well, sugar-free chocolate covered peanuts aren't much better - in terms of resulting medical side effects - actually causing me to lose a night's sleep and miss classes the next morning.

Done with them.

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