Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer & Used Shows

The summer is quickly approaching and all my regular TV shows ended either last week or during this upcoming week. What ever will I do?

A few years ago, during work training in the big city, while staying at a hotel, a (former) coworker I didn't like much introduced me to the TV show LOST, and I was hooked. I spend the rest of the summer addicted to it - I 'acquired' the rest of the first season from him, and rented the remaining seasons en-mass. I watched over 3 seasons in a single summer. It was great diversion.

Since I'm moving to the big city in about a month, and will be away from my normal group of friends, and therefore may live somewhat of a more hermit lifestyle, I'm wondering if it might be worth it to invest in a back-dated ("used") TV show: start from the beginning (thanks, Interweb), and watch every episode.

The problem: what show? I'm a picky about my TV (and have cut down a lot in my TV-viewing in the past year), and nothing I've seen via my semi-TV-addicted parents has struck me as worth getting into. Then again, I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised.

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