Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Or, just be out of it.

Yesterday I alluded to, though lightly, some pretty heavy introspective self-development stuff.

Today I'm reminded of a post I wrote a month and one day ago, titled Blind Spots. Fuck going introspective; sometimes all you need is a little serious sleep deprivation: enough to make you so goal-focused that you filter out all the unnecessary noise - internal, and external - and get the shit done you need to get done.

Today was on the brink of one of those days: I was up 'til just after 5am last night learning and preparing lessons. I don't fall asleep easily either. This morning, despite having both my alarm clock and the alarm on my iPod Touch set to go off, neither were actually able to get out of bed. By some freak luck I woke up about 35 minutes later than I should have gotten up, with still just enough time to shave and get to my school with 5 minutes to spare before I had to start teaching. I was partially still I-should-still-be-in-bed loopy, and I could barely keep my eyes open - but maybe that wasn't a bad thing: I became very directed, and my morning lesson, albeit to 4 students, went pretty decently.

In other good news, I actually got this post off on time.

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